Saturday, November 24, 2012

Communication Assessments

The assessment assignment was a clarifying experience.  As I took the assessments, it really made me think about who I am as a communicator and how I interact with others.  The responses of my husband and co-worker were very similar to mine, which confirmed my original answers in a professional setting.  

My husband made a statement that really opened my eyes to who I am.  He stated that his answers would have been different if he was thinking about my personal communication style versus my professional communication style.  This statement has made me do additional reflecting on who I am and what changes I need to make in order to make my styles more compatible.  For fun, I took the assessments a second time thinking more on a personal style and he was correct, my scores were quite different.  

“Our thoughts and cognitions influence how and what we communicate to others and at the same time influence the way that we interpret the behaviors and messages that others send to us." (O’Hair & Wiemann, 2009, p. 38).  Self-concept can be very influential during communication with others.  Past experiences and the way we view ourselves all affects communication.  In thinking about this statement, I am reminded to stop and think before talking as to not let my personal schemas affect the message that I send to others. 


O'- Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication. New York: Bedford/St. Martin's.


  1. Your husband did make a very good point. I think we all communicate a little differently from a personal level to a professional level. You now have me wondering about my own personal communication style. I don't think my results would be that much different though because I am pretty much the same on both levels but when it comes to speaking publicly, I am rather shy and really self-conscious so that does have an impact on how I communicate.

  2. We all communicate very different when it comes to our personal style and our professional. My results was also very different becasue I alter my communication depending where I am and who I am around. I have always been loud and a person that speaks my mind. I can appreciate the face that our past experiences can shape our communication.

  3. I agree with what you said. When it comes to work, we communicate differently than we normally do. When we talk to parents, we need to reflect our professionalism, so we need to be more cautious about what we say. While talking to friends and family, we are more relaxing and communicate in a more casual way.


  4. Erika,
    Yes I definitely communicate differently at work versus in my personal life and there are also variations in both of those settings based on the individual relationships. I tend to be more or less candid depending on the relationship and the setting.

  5. Hi Erika

    I enjoyed reading your post and seeing the evaluation that your husband. When reading your post, I thought what my sister told me, she said sometimes I forget to switch off the professional communcation at home sometime. Thanks for sharing a great post.
