Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Time Well Spent

Well here I am…my last blog post as a graduate student pursuing my master’s degree.  Ion one hand it feels great to say that and cannot wait for what the future holds, on the other hand…what will I do without professors and colleagues by my side cheering me on?

This process has taught me lots about myself personally and professionally.  I have grown as an individual and have identified that as educators we need to adapt much of what we do to meet the individual need of student. 

This program has also taught me about strength in numbers and the affect that collaborating with others can make.  Take our Capstone Project for example; overcoming issues that affect the well-being of children and families takes more than one person to accomplish.  It takes the collaborations of many people and organizations to raise their voices and stand up for what is right.  

Thirdly I have learned that there are endless job opportunities when you look locally, state wide, and nationally.  The opportunities are endless whether you are looking to volunteer your time or for full or part time employment. 

One long-term goal that I have for myself is to obtain a rewarding job that fulfills my passion on a daily basis.  Teaching adults about the field of early childhood education and the importance of early education is my passion.  I love to train adults and watch them get excited about children learning as well.  To obtain a job where I can witness this excitement everyday will rewarding.  

As this journey comes to an end I think about the many ways that I have been supported both by instructors and colleagues along the way.  Obtaining a master’s degree in any field is a great accomplishment.  As my husband has told me over and over, while I cried over assignments, “If obtaining a master’s was easy, then everyone would have one!”  Each of you should be so proud of your accomplishments.  The growth both personally and professionally that I have gain is amazing.  I owe much of that to the collaborative efforts of my peers.  I wish each of you luck as you continue life’s path.  

“It takes a village to raise a child.” 
- Nigerian proverb

"Tell me and I forget. Show me and I remember. Involve me and I understand."
- Chinese proverb

Erika Riesinger
14301 Cimarron Ave. W.
Rosemount, MN 55068


  1. Congrats Erika!
    I have really enjoyed learning along with you and thank you for always being so positive, professional, and caring. You pushed through! Yeah! I have a couple more classes to go, but I soon hope to be where you are:) All the best and thanks for the ride!

    Tammy Maassen

  2. Hi Erika,


    You made a point I think many of us are feeling... we are inspired to change the world, but now feel alone in the process. However, we aren't! We can keep in touch, and I'm sure there are many of us willing to do that. We learned in this course the value of a community of practice, and we can form these in all we do. We can work on making them for different areas of our lives.

    There will always be people willing to support you!

    I wish you all the best on future endeavors!

    I hope to see you in January!


  3. Erika,
    I can remember the first class we took together. It seemed as if it were yesterday. I think your husband is a bright man, I never thought of it that way...if getting a Master's was so easy, then everyone would have one. We are a very rare bred to get a Master's in Early Child Development. Some of my relatives would say: "How can you learn about children, families and communities, isn't that common sense". They don't know our big secret. It does truly take a village to raise a child and you can tell me all day long and as soon as you turn around I will forget, if you show me I may remember, engage me and involve me and I will develop a lifelong learning. Your picture is beautiful, see you in Orlando, Fla.! nancy

  4. Hi Erika!
    We made it! Can you believe it! I would NEVER have made it without your constant support and willingness to share. I feel as if I have made a life long friend and colleague all wrapped up in one. Thank you; I appreciate all of your advice.
    Your husband's thoughts have been echoed by my husband, as I shed similar tears. This accomplishment holds more to me because of those tears. Perhaps, Erika, those tears represent a passion in young children and in learning. Perhaps, it makes us who we are today. Perhaps, the tears represent our heart, and that just might be why we chose early childhood.
    I know we will remain in contact, and I cannot wait to hear the giant steps that you will continue to make within our field of early childhood. I do not know if you are serious about doing some workshops for CBS, but I would be interested in discussing this possibility (I'm serious!).
    I cannot wait to celebrate together in Orlando!

  5. Hi Erika,
    As you said, we all made it!! I really enjoyed the courses that we took together. I enjoyed your passion and insights that you brought with you to the courses. I remember the breakdowns that I had during the whole journey of my Master's Degree. As English is my second language, sometimes I had the difficult time to understand the instructions or the articles that I was supposed to read. I cried, was frustrated, but we all made it. I like the quotes that you put up there. They are inspiring! Thank you for sharing!


  6. Erika,
    I have really enjoyed collaborating with you over the last bunch of weeks! I agree that it will be very nice to be done. Enjoy the free time (as much as you can with three kids, lol!) and continue to pursue your dreams. Educating adults is very rewarding, particularly those who are in it because they truly love children! Have a great summer!

  7. Hi Erika,
    I have really enjoyed you throughout the classes we have taken together. You have gave many helpful ideals and help me to further my thinking skills with your comments and questions. Thanks for sharing and I hope to be in contact with you in the further.

  8. Erika
    Throughout this course I have enjoyed reading and commenting on your journey. Thank you for all the encouragement and helping making my capstone project a success. At last we can relax and enjoy the rest of the summer. Good Luck in the future.

    Thank you

  9. Erika, your husband is a smart man! Yes, it has been a journey. I too have cried on several occasions regarding assignments and just feeling overwhelmed with it all. I too, share your aha moment regarding it takes more than one individual to impact successfully. During the capstone project, I realized that it took organizations, agencies, and community leaders with the same passion to make one mighty "racket" in order to create change on behalf of children and families. I wish you all the blessings and success in all of your future projects and goals. I know you will succeed! Stay in touch...roikenshahinton@gmail.com
