Personal Childhood Web

I  want to recognize three family members who have made a big impact on my life.  They made me feel one of a kind and showed my unconditional love growing up.  

My mother, Teresa.  
She is my rock, my salvation, my best-friend.  My mother knows me better than I know myself.  She has guided me through many ups and downs throughout my childhood and continues to be my sounding board today. When I am sad, she is who I call.  When I have something exciting to share, she is who I call.  I can not imagine my life without her. My mother continues to give my encouragement and tells me how proud she is of my accomplishments. "I love you mother with all my heart.  Thank you for all you have taught and given me.  I am truly blessed."

The following link is a video of my mother singing with two of my children one of my favorite songs. I love to listen to her sing.

My father, Ron.
Even thought he is not here with me today, I know he is watching over me and my family from heaven.  I give credit to my father for teaching me work ethic.  He showed me unconditional love growing up and I wish I would have told him sooner how much he impacted my life as well as my children's. 

My Aunt Jenny.
I spent so much time as a child in the home of my aunt Jenny.  She is my second mom and always made me feel like I was her angel.  As a child I knew I was always welcome, safe and secure in her home as I do today. She is a strong woman and has given me strength to stand up for myself.

Thank you all.