Sunday, June 9, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

In researching International Early Childhood Organizations, I found that there a many organizations that I have never heard of in the past.  Many of which have great missions and visions for children and their education.
The first website that I visited was Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI).  Their mission is to promote and support the optimal education, development, and well-being of children worldwide, and to influence the professional growth of educators and the efforts of others who are committed to the needs of children in a changing society.  Throughout their website I found valuable information about children around the country and professional development opportunities.  I could not find any listing for specific job postings, however I did find on the website where they are seeking manuscripts for publishing.  ACEI is seeking articles from around the world on timely topics of interest that stimulate thinking, rather than advocate fixed practice.
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) works in 190 countries and territories to save and improve children's lives by providing health care and immunizations, clean water and sanitation, nutrition, education, emergency relief and more.  The work that UNICEF does is very inspiring.  There are several job postings for UNICEF, however none in my area.  However the one job posting that I found interesting was Integrated Partnerships Manager.  This position would cultivate, manage and grow key programs with a portfolio of corporate partners which leverage in-kind donations of products, services and expertise, as well as grant funding.  The qualifications require a Bachelor’s degree and a minimum of five years’ experience, in developing and managing complex partnerships between the corporate and non-profit sectors, or the equivalent combination of education and experience. 
Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of children in need in the United States and around the world.  When disaster strikes around the world, Save the Children is there to save lives with food, medical care and education and remains to help communities rebuild through long-term recovery programs.  Save the Children serves impoverished, marginalized and vulnerable children and families in more than 120 nations.  In looking for jobs available at Save the Children I found a position of interest:  Early Childhood Coordinator.  For this position I would provide:
  • Social/emotional development, language development and pre-literacy education activities for children and parents through regularly scheduled home visits. 
  • Parent/child support and education groups in schools and community settings
  • Screening and referral for children at risk for developmental delay or health care issues.
  • “Transition to school” activities that connect parents and children to the preschool or kindergarten they will attend.
  • A book exchange literacy program for enrolled children and parents. Books are available for children from birth to five years of age.
This position seems very interesting and one I would definitely apply for if it was in my area.  No additional requirements are necessary for employment. 


  1. While researching I found an organization that works collaborative with UNICEF, Education International. They work with promoting the quality of education through public funding. This organization also works on behalf of the teachers and other educational employees. I did not see Save the Children in my research. I like the idea of how the work with parents and children with transition activities. The book exchange program is a wonderful idea. So many children never even get to open a book, let alone learn to read it.

  2. Erika,
    I also found that ACEI has two internship positions available in research and data collection. This would be a great way to get in the door if one wanted to gain access to a position with this organization.

    I'm with you! That Save the Children posting is similar to much of my work the past five years. Would you ever consider a position outside the U.S., perhaps when the kids were older? It would be an adventure but I would probably not consider uprooting my family to pursue it. My husband and I actually did consider some teaching positions and missions work overseas prior to having children. Things sure would be different...

    1. Tammra,
      I do not think that I would consider work outside of the US at this stage in my life. My children are still too young. It may be something I would entertain as they get older and we are empty nesters.

      Thank you for your feedback.

  3. Hello Erika,
    I loved reading about the jobs available for children. I am actively looking for employment outside my home. I have an interest in that manuscript writing for the Association for Childhood Education International. I am an empty nester and I do not want to travel anywhere, now I am too old and with aches and pains. I can not see me traveling here and there and not getting my rest. Traveling now has its advantages, I suggest take the children with you. Also, when I was in Junior High School a boy that I liked was a child from UNICEF, I think he was orphaned from the war. He was so bright and had a many talents. Thank you for your post.

  4. Hi Erika,
    Somehow I missed the job through Save the Children. I actually called the organization for further information, and when I returned from San Francisco, they called to tell me about the position. Obviously, I found it! Wouldn't that be the best position, Erika? The job sounds absolutely perfect but... and there is always a but, I just do not know if I would want to make a critical move at this time in my life. However, every responsibility is one that I am passionate about. I can actually vision myself doing this job. I just might go back and look it over again. Thank you for sharing. I never quite thought about International jobs previously, and somehow, I wish I had...

  5. Hi Erika,
    ACEI sounds really interesting to me, and I did not know that one before. I will check it out more about it later. I feel that no matter where the children are, they should have equal access to high quality early childhood education. That is their right, and we cannot take it away from them. I liked to work in the organization of Save the Child, as I do hope I can contribute something to children who suffer from poverty, natural disasters, and the war. I can do little by myself. I do can contribute what I have and what I know by join that organization. I wouldn't mind taking a temporary job in the organization to help children in the world. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Hi Erika
    As appealing as some of the jobs out side the US, it would be hard for me to pursue them. I am not one of those persons who likes to travel, but I do admired them.I love everything about Save the Children and I believe the work they do are reaching other.
    Great blog!!

  7. Erika, I too, selected Save the Children. Their belief in saving the lives of children, fighting for children rights and ensuring that children reach their fullest potential all interested me. This is an organization that I would love to for, as well.
