Thursday, June 7, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

I currently subscribe to several newsletters and find them all filled with various, valuable resources for education.  One email in particular jumped out at me this week from Learning A-Z.  The email contained a link discussing further about core standards that have been adopted by forty-five states and the District of Columbia.  These core standards help educators prepare students to compete with not only their American peers in the next state, but with students around the world.  Since every state had their own set of academic standards, the core standards aim to be comparable with high-performing countries and the best existing state standards.

As we are discussing quality education at all age levels, this struck my interest.  It provides educators with valuable resources needed to successfully implement standards in order to build children with a strong foundation in English, science, and writing so they are prepared for college and future careers.

The Learning A-Z website is:

Catherine Thome wrote a supporting article, Bringing Common Core Standards to Life, that dove into additional detailed about the common core standards and how they are spreading the value of the standards throughout the United States.

Both the website and the article contained information that added to my understanding of common core standards.  I believe that having a set of standards that is derived from the best of all countries, we can set up our children for future success.  I still think there needs to be room for children to be children, but educators need to be able to support balance in the classroom.

Another insight that I found interesting on the A-Z website was Bob’s Blog.  It contains, "What's new, what's in need of change, what's improving, and how can we make it even better?"  There were many interesting bogs that give common topics a different perspective.  This is a blog that I know I will frequent to keep up to date on changes. 


Thome, Catherine, Bringing Common Core Standards to Life, Retrieved from


  1. Thank you for mentioning core standards that are used to help bring children to the standards of not only america but across the world. If we strive to help our students to be better to compete with the world we will be able to provide great leaders. I do agree with you that children still need to be children but this is certainly a new way to look at creating. standards.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this resource. I plan on putting it in my resource file for future use. Several of the articles I read this week spoke of a common core of standards for all 50 states. I am glad that it is coming to fruition. I hope to read Catherine Thome's article also to get additional information about the core standards.

  3. Hi Erika, thank you for sharing this link! I have just taken a quick look at the site and I cannot wait to go back later to dive in and see what information I can use. As much as I focus on play, any tools and resources I can use to "beef-up" my literacy curriculum, I love it! Thanks!!

  4. Hello Erika,
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful resources. I look forward to following the link and Bob's blog to receive additional up to date information and techniques. Early childhood is constantly doing research to improve current techniques and helps us meet the unique needs of our families. I would like to read more about what techniques are being used to being competitive with other countries.
