Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Family Culture

If a major catastrophe completely devastated the infrastructure of my country and I was told I could bring three small items that represent my family culture, I would bring my wedding ring, a family photo album, and an American flag.
The reason I would want to bring my wedding ring because it is a symbol of my promise to love and my commitment to my spouse for life.  A family photo album it important for me to bring because it is a clear representation of my family’s culture and celebrations.  The photo album would be a great way to reminisce and continue to pass on traditions from generation to generation.  The last item that I chose to bring was an American flag.  The American flag represents our freedom, bravery, and the American dream.          
If upon arrival I was told that I could only keep one personal item, I would be OK with that.  The memories, identities, and ‘who I am’ will still be ‘who I am’, with or without items to represent my culture.    Who I am lives within me and can be represented in my daily interactions.
In preparation of this exercise, I spoke with my husband about items that he would bring and why.  Two of our choses were the same, which spoke deeply that my choices were right on.  In the end, having to give up items, made me have a more profound idea of who I am and what it means to carry on traditions and cultures.   Objects are just objects.  It is what is inside a person that counts and makes a difference.  



  1. Erika, I spoke with my husband, also, and I learned that objects are, indeed, that objects. It's what we carry with us that make us who we really are. I never really thought about that before, and I appreciate it that you brought it up. I like that you mentioned who you are is represented in your daily interactions; that's a very powerful statement. Perhaps, as early childhood educators, we need to remember this as we interact with children, their families, and other staff. Thanks for sharing. I enjoy reading your blog, because it always gives me more to think about; I appreciate that.

  2. Erika,
    I never even thought about bringing a flag! What a great idea. Being an American is such an integral part of who I am. When I went through this exercise I was a little confounded by just how much "stuff" I have and in the end very little of it means much to me. Like you, I agree that things are just objects and can be replaced but who we are is indelible, not unchangeable, because we do grow and change.
