Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sharing Web Resources Week 4

As I have explored the website Zero to Three further, I have found many podcasts that share a great deal of information about children and how to take further action in policies.  There are several links in which one can access to take action on behalf of children.  There are alerts that you can register to and keep up to date on changing policies as well as link in order to contact my local electives to advocate for the importance of children’s early education.
Through the links, I was able to send an email to my local affiliates in order to advocate for early childhood and the importance of new funding.  I have always desired to take the opportunity to be more involved in community awareness and advocacy, but wasn’t sure where to begin.  I felt a sense of gratefulness that I took a step forward to help children.
I could not find any direct information in regards to economists, neuroscientists, or politicians on the website.  There were however, indirect citations in regards to policies and how it relates to children.
Zero to Three has given me greater insight to health and development as well as maltreatment of children.  The maltreatment link gave alarming statistics.  Infants and toddlers are disproportionately at risk for maltreatment. They account for over three-quarters of child maltreatment fatalities (  Children deserve a better life than what some are experiencing.  It is important that website like Zero to Three be shared with other to continue the education of adults. 



  1. Erika,

    Congratulations on your success this week. Like you, the more I read through my graduate studies, the more I want to be active in my community to help children zero to eight.

    I have heard the statistics about children zero to three and their maltreatment. It saddens me, but makes sense since they are unable to speak for themselves. Every morning as I greet the children from one of our centers, I am amazed at how excited they are to be at school. For some, I know that our classrooms are the most stable environment in their lives.

    There are a multitude of great resources from the Zero to Three organization. Continue to take advantage of this wonderful resource!

  2. Hello Erika,

    We chose the same website to review. I love all of the resources on this website. It is horrible to read that many young children are abused. Zero to three informs the reader that young children's minds are able to recover rapidly from maltreatment. It must be caught early. The resources on this website assist me with my families. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Erika,

    I have explored the zero to three website and it has some very helpful resources that I would like to take back to my colleagues. I truly believe that subscribing to or staying updated on current works can give ways/ideas for improving and working more closely with our families. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Erika,

    I have explored the zero to three website and it has some very helpful resources that I would like to take back to my colleagues. I truly believe that subscribing to or staying updated on current works can give ways/ideas for improving and working more closely with our families. Thanks for sharing.
