Saturday, April 7, 2012

"My Supports"

I am a mother of three beautiful children, a wife, a manager of an early childhood facility, and currently pursuing my masters.  My daily environment, often times, is very exhausting and there are days I am not sure I can fulfill all duties.  To me, support is the foundation of life.  A person needs to have sources of support emotionally, physically, and practically.  Each day I am thankful for the support given to me from all the fabulous people in my life.
My husband is my number one support.  He is supportive of my emotions, dedication to higher education, my work, our children, our home and every single aspect of daily life.  Without him, my world would not be the same.  My children provide me with unconditional love.  They bring out my inner child and a smile to my face.  At work, my employees and the children we provide care for give me strength and motivation to continue to provide a safe and fun learning environment.
The challenge I thought about was the ability to not work.  Not working creates new challenges that support would be necessary in life to survive.  If I was not able to work, financially our family would need to tighten our life style and most likely down grade our home.  Our children would need to readjust their lifestyles and how they are used to living.  My husband would need to support our family financially. Without these supports my life would feel empty.  Life would be difficult to set goals and strive for better things without the cheerleaders on the sidelines cheering me on.