Tuesday, August 14, 2012

When I Think of Research...

I have gained a plethora of knowledge through this course in regards to research.  Completing research was something that I felt I had no knowledge of in the beginning.  As the class went on, I found that assignments, especially our group discussions to help clarify many of my misunderstandings and to be helpful in defining many of the vocabulary that I did not understand.  Now as I work to complete my simulation study, I feel more confident in completing a study, knowing that I have come a long way to see this paper completed successfully.

Some additional challenges that may present themselves in research study involves biases.  Researcher must recognize that often times, their own beliefs may interfere.  Self-reflexivity involves deconstructing the ways in which our desires shape the texts we produce. 

My mind has been opened to the thoughts and ideas behind children and power relations.  Until recently, children were not address for consent in research.  Over the past few years, theoretical perspective of the sociology of childhood, which positions children as competent actors in their everyday worlds and capable of making decisions about participating in or withdrawing from research (Mac Naughton, Rolfe, & Siraj-Blatchford, 2010).

I feel like I have been given the tools in order to be successful in any setting of research.  I feel comfortable with informing other researcher as well as participants the goals and create more equitable relationships for everyone involved.

I am very appreciative of my colleagues through this course.  I started out second guessing If I have the brain power to make it through.  With you word of encouragement, learning through our discussions, and extra prayers, I feel far more successful than I thought I would.  I owe that to our Professor Dartt for guidance and believing in each of us.  In additional to my wonderful colleagues and their contributions and collaborations.  I appreciate all of you!
Mac Naughton, G., Rolfe, S., & Siraj-Blatchford, I. (2010). Doing Early Childhood Research. Open University Press.