Sunday, May 26, 2013

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

Established in 1948, the Annie E. Casey Foundation fosters public policies, human-service reforms, and community supports that more effectively meet the needs of today’s vulnerable children and families.  One initiative that I found interesting while researching the Annie E. Casey Foundation was the Family-Centered Community Change.   This initiative “supports community development in low-income neighborhoods while also helping to create programs that focus on healthy development, growth and education for children, as well as services that concentrate on parenting, job skills and financial security for adults” (  They also have talent development opportunities for staff, grantees, and communities.  This helps ensure that the talent is ready for the transitions up and coming for years to come. 

In searching for job opportunities, there were several positions available.  None of which I am currently qualified for, but were interesting.  The position available I found most interesting was Program Associate, Information Technology and Child Welfare.  This role primarily focuses on promoting the valid and reliable measures of child welfare outcomes.  The educational requirements necessary for this position is a Bachelor’s degree in human services, social work, business, law, statistics or related field.  I found this position interesting for the fact that the main focus is child-welfare.

2.       The National Child Care Association “promotes the growth and safeguard the interest of quality early childhood care and education focusing on licensed, private providers of these services" (  They offer professional development and training opportunities because they recognize the importance between well-educated teachers and high-quality education. 

In searching for job opportunities, I was not able to locate any.  I was however able to find how to become a member of the NCCA.  Many states are a part of this organization and offer a multitude of training and development opportunities.   

3.        ZERO TO THREE disseminates key developmental information, trains providers, promotes model approaches and standards of practice, and works to increase public awareness about the significance of the first three years of life (  ZERO TO THREE is also a non-profit organization that was founded in 1977 by top experts in child development, health and mental health.  The have since evolved and plays a critical role in promoting key issues effecting young children and their families.    

I found two job positions available on the ZERO TO THREE website.  One position sounds very interesting; A Technical Assistant Specialist.  This position requires a master’s in early childhood and eight years’ experience doing home visits.    

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Minnesota

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Minnesota

Children’s Defense Fund – Minnesota’s mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start, and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities.  Although there are not any current positions available, this organization appeals to me due to the fact that they focus solely on the needs of the children.  The Children’s Defense Fund collaborates with families and the community for the benefit of children.  There are many programs and campaigns to help raise awareness about the significant challenges that children in the state of Minnesota face on a daily basis.  You can find additional information about this organization at

Minnesota Association for the Education of Young Children, also known as MnAEYC, serves and acts on behalf of early childhood care and education professionals in Minnesota. MnAEYC strives to enhance quality training opportunities, support program improvement, as well as advocate to public change in early childhood education.  Again, there were no current jobs posted on their website, however, there was a link for applicants interested in teacher positions throughout the state on Minnesota.  You can find additional information about this organization at

The Minnesota Center for Professional Development (MNCPD) goal is to provide professional development to raise the competencies for those providing early care and education.  I am currently a registered trainer in the state of Minnesota, but unsure how to utilize this.  Reviewing the website, I have become more informed on how to utilize this asset.  I have the ability to create trainings, get them approved and list them in the registry in order to present them.  This is a process that I would like to learn more about in order to tap into my ability as a trainer.  Outside of personal and professional resources, I could not find any job postings.  You can find additional information about this organization at

All of these organizations interest me for future job opportunities. Each of them has vision and goals built around creating better lives and education for children.  I have twelve years’ experience working in early childhood management as well as training adults.  I feel strongly that my passion and strength align during training adults.  I have a desire to build awareness and partnerships while being the voice for children.